Sunday 5 July 2009


hahaha.. im back.. after a few months away from my blog.. didnt have enough time for everything especially jotting down things that were in my head..

i guess things were quite alright for me nowadays.. nothing much to say except, I MISS HOME!!!! went home last month and all i wanted was to spend time with my family.. thats all.. i saw two of my closest friends ashvin n spike.. n that was just about it.. my brother has grown so big now n my family is just as strong as always.. my mum, i love her n miss her d most right now..
here they r...
look at the picture with d baby above.. gosh he is soo cute.. my closest cousin's 1st baby.. more to come i guess.. hehehe.. love him to bits.. i will actually browse my albums just to see his photos.. :)

and another baby, another nephew of mine...
cute right??

Well.. some pictures with friends n family coming soon... i'll upload them later.. im feeling very sleepy right now.. :p
